Summer is the season between March and June. It is the hot season when temperatures soar all around the country. The summer season is when the days are longer and nights are shorter. People spend their time going on vacations to beaches and cooler destinations during summer to escape the heat.

Summer holidays give children time to relax, recharge, and engage in activities that they enjoy. This can help to improve their overall mental health by reducing stress and anxiety levels and increasing positivity and happiness.

Sunlight also helps the body produce serotonin, a hormone that regulates our moods. It makes sense then that kids are physically predisposed to be in better moods during the summer. In addition, spending time outside can help improve overall physical health, which is closely linked to mental health.

Summers are most probably one of the toughest seasons to be tolerated by the kids. The excess sweat during the hot summers can cause dehydration and also many skin problems. The kid's soft and delicate skin needs protection from the scorching sun.

During the summer months, it is beneficial to provide children with healthy foods mainly of high water content. By incorporating such foods into their meals, children can sustain their energy levels and stay active, enhancing their enjoyment of the summer season.

 Try to include these vegetables and fruits during this summer for better health of the children.

 ASH GOURD -   Apart from being loaded with essential nutrients, ash gourd also improves digestion and has a cooling effect on the body, making it an ideal drink for hot summer months. Its high water content helps regulate body temperature and prevents heat stroke.

ALOE VERA JUICE = Aloe vera juice is obtained from the clear gel that is present inside its leaves. Just by scooping up this gel and mixing it with water, you can prepare a glass of refreshing aloe vera juice which might be particularly healthy in summer.

BARLEY - The nutrition expert says that barley water helps to reduce the core body temperature during summer and prevent heat-induced disorders. By providing hydration to the body, barley water helps to maintain electrolyte balance and prevent dehydration.

CUCUMBER - Cucumbers are one of the most popular cooling foods during summer. It is a natural coolant that can help you beat the summer heat. Cucumbers contain a high water content, which makes them a perfect snack during hot summer days. You can easily add cucumber slices to your salad or eat them as a mid-day snack. Cucumbers are crunchily refreshing and contain 96% water, making them even more hydrating than watermelons.

DRUMSTICK -Drumsticks possess natural cooling properties that help soothe the body's internal temperature during hot weather. Including drumsticks in your diet can help alleviate heat-related discomforts such as excessive sweating, fatigue, and heatstroke.

ELAICHI - Cardamom has a cooling effect on the body, making it suitable for summer. We recommend using organic and natural cardamom whenever possible. You can also try some cool summer recipes with cardamom by adding it to ice teas, lassis, custards, and many other desserts.

GRAPES - Their hydrating qualities, along with the variety of flavors offered by different grape varieties, make them a beloved summer fruit. Whether you prefer the sweet crunch of green grapes or the slightly tart burst of red ones, grapes are a joy to eat in the summer.

ICE APPLE -During the hot summer seasons, eating ice apples might be helpful to keep the body hydrated. It might also help in replenishing the nutrients of the body. The benefits of ice apples might help with painful urination and tiredness in the body.

Apart from being a thirst-quencher, Ice Apple offers various nutritional benefits. It is a rich source of dietary fiber, aiding digestion and preventing constipation, which is often aggravated in the summer months.

JACK FRUIT -  In many regions, summer is considered the main season for jackfruit. During this time, jackfruit trees produce an abundance of fruit, and the fruits tend to be larger in size. The summer season jackfruit is known for its sweet and aromatic flavor. The flesh and seeds of jackfruit are considered as a cooling and nutritious tonic. Jackfruit has an abundance of important minerals.

JAL JEERA - is a refreshing and healthy beverage that offers several benefits to the body during the summer months. Its natural cooling properties, soothing effect on digestion, and numerous health benefits make it a must-have for summer

KULFI - From consuming cold beverages to ice creams to cold showers, each one has its own way of combating the heat. One popular Indian summer dessert is malai kulfi and for good reason, as it's affordable, tastes better than ice cream, and is convenient to eat on the go, especially the stick variant.

LEMON JUICE -The enjoyable summer drink that quenches the thirst is lemon juice. It is easy to prepare as well as the healthiest juice to have in summer. All the refreshment and relaxed feeling can be felt by taking it. Lemon contains vitamin C which is more helpful to the human body.

LASSI- Hydration: Lassi is an excellent source of hydration due to its high water content. It helps replenish the body's fluids, keeping you cool and preventing dehydration during hot summer days. Probiotics for Digestion: Lassi is made from yogurt, which is rich in probiotics.

MUSK MELON - Fruits – The best fruits for summer are watermelons, muskmelons, and citrus fruits. Watermelons are full of water and are great as juice or just chopped up. Muskmelons and other varieties of melon are also cooling and healthy in the heat.

ONIONS- Onions have natural cooling properties that can help lower body temperature and provide relief from the heat. When consumed raw or lightly cooked, onions release compounds like quercetin and sulphur compounds, which have cooling effects on the body.

PALM ROOT Toddy palm root is very good for health. It has a cooling effect. It can be consumed during the summer season when it is available in large numbers. It helps to beat the summer heat.

PANAKAM -Panakam is also a healthy drink for the gut and digestion and keeps the body cool during the summers.

QUINOA- Packed with nutrients, simple to prepare, and with a light and nutty taste, quinoa is the perfect summer ingredient. Try it at any meal.

ROSEW ATER   As a drink Rose is cooling for the body, which is why it is used in so many drinks such as thandai.

RAGI PORRIDGE - Ragi is particularly suitable for the summer season as it has a cooling effect on the body, as per Ayurveda, and aids in reducing toxins and cholesterol. Additionally, ragi serves as an excellent source of protein and minerals for vegetarians.

SAGO - It is also established that sabudana may have cooling properties for our digestive system, and hence sabudana-gruel is recommended for people having excess bile secretion.

SUGARCANE JUICE - A hot summer season and chilled sugarcane juice are an excellent combination to enjoy a hot afternoon. This delicious sugarcane juice is not only relishing but also nourishing. It is considered healthy according to traditional Indian medicine.5 days ago

Sugarcane juice is a well-known summer drink that helps to keep you refreshed during summer. It offers several other health benefits, including improved digestion, energy levels, and liver functions.

TENDER COCONUT - Tender coconut water is one of the best natural drinks you can have in summer. Here's why you should include it in your daily diet as per experts. Apart from hydrating you well, coconut water also aids in digestion in the summer months. It helps relieve bloating and gas and being high in fiber, also helps in digestion.8 hours ago

TOMATO - Juicy tomatoes are at their peak in late summer, and whether you've grown your own or picked some up at the market, make the most of it.

WATERMELON’ Watermelon is a tasty, thirst-quenching fruit that many people enjoy in the heat of summer. It has a very high water content and provides nutrients like lycopene, citrulline, and vitamins A and C.

Watermelon helps cool the body and helps carry heat and toxins out of the body through increased excretion through the kidneys with more urination, which is a great choice on a hot summer day.

YOGURT - Consuming yogurt can help to regulate body temperature and provide relief from summertime heat. A chilled yogurt makes a wonderful option to consume in hot summers. Probiotic Nature: Yogurt contains live and active cultures, making it one of the richest sources of probiotics. Packed with calcium, curd should be your go-to option for a healthy summer alternative to cold fizzy drinks.

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Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan

Anuradha Sowmyanarayanan is a Tutor, Blogger, poet,e - book author, Book reviewer and a passionate reader. Her interest in reading &writing paved way for this blog way back in 2016. From her school days, she had won many prizes in Essay writing and elocution competitions. She can fluently speak Tamil, Telugu Hindi and Sanskrit apart from English.